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what is credit hacking?

Credit Hacking is the art of collecting credit cards with travel rewards in order to travel for free. Credit hacking involves working within the existing rules set up by the banks, and using them to your advantage to earn the most amount of points.

What is Travel Hacking?

Travel hacking involves working within the existing rules set up by airlines, credit cards, and hotels, and using them to your advantage to earn free travel including flights, lodging, and other upgrades. Travel hacking is not a new thing. ... Hacking implies some kind of matrix unauthorized access.

IS Credit Hacking Illegal?

NO, Credit hacking is NOT ILLEGAL. It is only taking advantage of all the perks offered by the travel credit cards.

Should I get into credit hacking if I have debt?

NO, Credit hacking is NOT a way to lose your debt. Credit Hacking ONLY works if you execute extreme discipline with a credit hacking strategy. By having outstanding debt, banks will make money off of interest, thus negating all of the FREE AWARDS you’ve earned.

What if I can’t pay off my credit card completely each month?

Credit hacking is NOT for you! By paying interest on your debt, you are losing money which negates the whole idea of credit hacking.